Privacy Statement

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to describe the information collected by Mt. San Antonio College and the use thereof.

2.0 Information Collected

Mt. San Antonio College collects personal information, including but not limited to; name, address, email address, telephone number, social security number and educational background. Such personal information may be requested for research, public service, or for administrative purposes. Additional personal information, such as credit card account information, may be requested for purchases or enrollment purposes.

3.0 Access to Educational Records

Following is a summary of the Mt. San Antonio College position related to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, O.L. 93-380, and Chapter 1297, Statues of 1976, State of California:

All former and present students have the right to review and inspect their educational records in the Office of Admissions and Records provided they make a written request fifteen (15) days in advance. Such a review will be under the direct supervision of a classified or certificated employee in the Admissions and Records Office. Expressly exempted from the right of review and inspection are the following materials:

  • Financial records of the parents or legal guardians of the student(s
  • Confidential letters and statements of recommendation maintained by the College on or before January 1, 1975, provided that such letters or statements are not used for purposes others than those for which they were specifically intended.
  • Records of instructional, supervisory, counseling, and administrative personnel which are in the sole possession of such personnel and are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a substitute.
  • Records of employees of Mt. San Antonio College, made and maintained in the normal course of business which relate exclusively to such person in that person’s capacity as an employee, are not available for use for any other purpose.
  • Records of students made and maintained by the Student Health Services, the College nurse, the College physician, and the College therapist, which are used in the treatment of students and are not available to anyone other than persons providing such treatment. However, such a record may be personally reviewed by a physician or other appropriate professional of the student’s choice.

4.0 Use of Collected Information

Mt. San Antonio College collects and uses information necessary to administer College business and to meet federal and state reporting requirements. The College may use personal information collected from websites, College applications, etc. for the purpose of future communications back to enrollees, in order to keep current and former students informed of such activities as campus programs, symposia and or special events. Email address may be used by faculty and administrators to communicate with students.

5.0 Information Disclosure

Any release of a student’s educational records, with the exception listed below, must be with the student’s written consent.

The College may release copies of or otherwise divulge material in the student’s educational records only to the official agencies, groups, officials, or individuals specifically mentioned below:

  • College staff members; provided that such employees have a legitimate educational interest to inspect such a record
  • Representatives of the Comptroller General of the United States, the Secretary of Education, an administrative head of an educational agency, state education officials, and the United States Office of Civil Rights, where such information is necessary to audit a program.
  • Accrediting organizations in order to carry out their accrediting functions.
  • Organizations conducting studies on behalf of the institution.
  • Officials of other schools or school systems in which the student seeks or intends to enroll subject to the rights of students.
  • Agencies or organizations in connection with a student’s application for financial aid.
  • Organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, educational agencies or institutions for the purpose of developing, validating, and administering predictive tests, administrating student aid programs, and improving instruction, if such studies are conducted in such a manner as will not permit the personal identification of students or their parents by persons other than representatives of such organizations and such information will be destroyed when no longer needed for the purpose for which it is compiled.
  • Appropriate persons in connection with an emergency if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health and safety of the student or other persons.
  • Courts or other agencies in compliance with a subpoena or judicial order. A reasonable effort will be made to notify the student in advance of the compliance by the College.

6.0 Individual Choice

“Directory Information” means a student’s name, email address, community of residence, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previous public or private school attended by the student.

Any student desiring to withhold “Directory Information” may file a written request with the Director, Admissions and Records, within fifteen (15) days of the opening day of each semester or session that the student does not want such information released.

The College reserves the right to limit or deny the release of specific categories of directory information based upon a determination of the best interests of the student(s).

Educational records or personal information transferred to other institutions or agencies will not be transferred to a third party without the written consent of the student.

7.0 Reporting Improper Use and Violations

Improper use and suspected violations of this document should be reported to Information and Educational Technology via e-mail at This email list includes representatives from Human Resources, Information and Educational Technology, the Student Life Office, the Public Information Office, and the the Department of Police and Campus Safety Office. Violations can also be reported via telephone to the IET Help Desk at (909) 594-5611 ext. 4357. Report immediate threats to:

  • Emergency Services, 911
  • Los Angeles County Sheriff, (626) 913-1715
  • Campus Security, telephone extension 4299